Here’s what Leandra has been saying about women in politics and women’s political activism recently.


Editorial, “Mixed 2020 Election Results Show that Women Still Face a Sexist Political Culture,” Leandra Zarnow and Stacy Taranto, Washington Post, November, 2020

Editorial, “Women's Equality Day Is a Reminder That the Fight for Women’s Rights Didn’t End With the 19th Amendment,” Leandra Zarnow and Stacy Taranto, Time Magazine Online, August, 2020

Demonstrators attend the Women’s March on Oct.17 in Los Angeles (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Demonstrators attend the Women’s March on Oct.17 in Los Angeles (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Women marching at the Women's Strike for Equality, New York, N.Y., Aug. 26, 1970. (John Olson—The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images.)

Women marching at the Women's Strike for Equality, New York, N.Y., Aug. 26, 1970. (John Olson—The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images.)

Leandra Zarnow and Stacey Taranto discuss The IMMEDIATE RETURNS ANd lasting impact of the 2020 election, highlighting how Vice-president Kamala Harris in the White House is a Game-changer, but also how far the goal post to reach gender parity in politics remains. most centrally, they discuss the enduring preference for a Male political leader that continues to capture the imagination of the American Voting public.

Read The Article Here.

Leandra Zarnow and Stacey taranto discuss Women’s Equality Day, August 26th. Women’s Equality Day was designated by congress in response to the 1970 march in which 100,000 women marched down the streets of New York City to bring attention back to women’s rights on the 50th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment to the constitution. After 50 more years, the fight for women’s rights continues more fiercely than ever.

Read The Article Here.

Editorial, “For Kamala Harris’s choice to really matter, she must be a true partner to Biden,” Leandra Zarnow and Stacy Taranto, The Washington Post, August 2020

Former vice president Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) at a primary debate last summer in Detroit. (Anthony Lanzilote/Bloomberg News)

Former vice president Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) at a primary debate last summer in Detroit. (Anthony Lanzilote/Bloomberg News)

Leandra Zarnow and Stacy Taranto talk about Kamala Harris, Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s choice for his running mate during the same month as the centennial anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment to the constitution guaranteeing women’s right to vote.

Read the article here.

Interview, “The House of the Woman,” Anna Diamond, Smithsonian Magazine, November 2019

Anna Diamond from Smithsonian Magazine interviews Leandra Zarnow about Battling Bella. During the interview, Leandra and Anna discuss what led to the seminal research for Battling bella, why bella abzug is so poignantly RELEVANT today, and much more.

read the article here.

Discussing Battling Bella at the US National Archives, YouTube, December 12th, 2019

”Leandra … discusses how Bella Abzug’s promotion of women’s rights, gay rights, universal childcare, social justice, and more provoked not only fierce opposition from Republicans but caused a split within her own party.”

- Us National Archives 2019

Mike Allen and Steve LeVine, “A Global Women’s Movement,” Axios, May 29, 2018

See the Axios article below featuring Leandra’s commentary on the state of the modern women’s movement in the post-#metoo era.

Read the article Here.

Editorial, “More than a Few Bad Apples,” Houston Chronicle, December 16, 2017


History shows women have toiled long and hard for the right to work free of workplace abuse. Check out this editorial from Leandra in the Houston Chronicle.

read the article Here.

Interview, “Women’s Rights,” Red, White, and Blue, TV 8, PBS, November 9, 2017

Red, White and Blue hosts examine the history of women’s movements in America with the 1977 National Women's Conference in Houston as the focal point. The conversation shifts to today’s mobilization and recruitment challenges, including women in politics and in the political arena, with guests Dr. Leandra Zarnow, Nancy Sims and Jessica Colon.